Ben Cole De-Witt
​Be Connected Digital Mentor
Be Connected (free help – over 50s)

Be Connected is an Australian government initiative to help increase the confidence, skills and online safety of older Australians. Be Connected aims to empower older persons to use the internet and everyday technology. Through the online resources, you will be able to learn the basics of using digital devices and the internet.
We offer free sessions with a Digital Mentor to help you with basic skills. You will have access to FREE learning resources and some easy activities via the Be Connected Learner Portal where you can learn many skills by doing short tutorials at your own pace.
Our Digital Mentor will help you open a Be Connected Learner account and give you some extra personal help when you need it. To access Be Connected digital help you will be asked to provide your full name and birthdate for registration on the Be Connected portal.
BYO tablet, laptop or mobile device (or use ours).
Various times available. Contact us to enquire.

Ben Cole De-Witt
​Be Connected Digital Mentor